Fight 1

Richard Goodine vs Darrius Crowley


Rd1 Nice first round with lots of push kicks & low kicks. Both fighters showing some impressive footwork. Some good body shots by Goodine. Darius ending the round with great knees in the clinch.

Rd2 Goodine starts the round with some good jabs and body shots. Darius throwing some hard left leg kicks. Goodine grabs a kick, able to throw solid punches to the body and face.

Rd3 Fighters throwing some hard jabs and kicks for the last round. Darius landing some solid punches to Goodines face. Ending in the clinch and flurry of punches.

Unanimous decision goes to Richard Goodine



Fight 2

Wes Bass vs Jose Medrano


Rd1 Bass throwing hard left leg kicks with a hard knockdown. Medrano landing some solid hooks and jabs. Bass landed a HUGE leg kick to Medranos head.

Rd2 Bass with lots of hard left legs and push kicks. Good clinch work by both fighters. Medrano throwing some hard punches knocking Bass down for an 8 count. Both fighters ending this round with an exchange of hard punches.

Rd3 Medrano landing solid body shots to Bass. Medrano grabbing a kick from Bass and landing some solid body shots. Bass heel hooking Medrano for knockdown was warned. But then able to throw a leg kick that knocked Medrano to the mat.


Split Decision for  Wes Bass.


Fight 3 

Erik Castro vs Clint Blizzard


Rd1 Castro coming out with some hard leg kicks and body shots. Landing some huge right hands. Blizzard throwing some kicks and shots to the body. Castro  keeps throwing low kicks. Landing a kick to the body sending Blizzard to the matt. Castro dominated the end of the round with punches to the body and left leg kicks.

Rd2Blizzard coming out with leg kicks and lands a spinning back fist. Casto  throwing big right hands and shots to the body. Castro throwing lots of left body shots.

Rd3Blizzard throwing lots of low kicks and shots to Castros body. Castro backing Blizzard into the corner and landing lots of punches and knees. Solid Right hand by Castro. guys ending the round in a flurry of punches.


Unanimous decision Erik Castro


Fight 4

Daniel House vs Jerrad Batten


Rd1 Both fighters exchanging low kicks. House throws a right kick slips on the mat. Batten lands good solid push kicks. House with a big right cross. House throws a hard right leg. Right cross and leg kick from Batten ends the first round.

Rd2 Batten starts out with a hard right low kick. House goes down from a huge sweep from Batten to his back leg. House lands multiple low kicks to  Battens lead leg. Left cross to Batten and he slips to the mat. Batten catches a kick from Houses counters with rear leg chop. Batten catches another kick and kicks the leg again. Batten ending the round with some hard right leg kicks.

Rd3 House landing solid kicks. Batten throws a spinning back kick lands hard to Houses midsection. Batten with a spinning back fist. Batten with a push kick but House lands a good solid cross. Round end with guys exchanging hard punches. Bell rings both fighters kneel in respect to one another in the middle of the ring. Amazing fight from both fighters, plenty of respect shown from both!


Split Decision goes to Jerrad Batten




Fight 5

Alex Berrios vs Stephen Richards


Rd1Berrios  starts our withhard kicks to the body and legs of Richards. Richard with solid right kicks. Richards able to get Berrios on the ropes and land some hard crosses and body shots. Berrios  taking some shots to the head but able to land some hard front leg kicks. Richards with a solid right cross, Berrios stiff push kick. Both working the clinch and Berrios able to throw Richards to the mat. Berrios with some body shots and good elbows. Richards with a right elbow to Berrios.

Rd2 Richards with a push kick. Berrios with a solid push kick taking Richards to the mat. Barrios catching Richards leg and landinstrikes to the head. Berrios again with a push kick sending Richards back and falling to the mat. Richards landing strong sharp jabs. Both fighters working  elbows in the clinch. Lots of foot work from both fighters keeping their distance. Richards with a jab and cross. Spinning back fist by Berrios.

Rd3Berrios with strong push kicks and leg kicks. Richards working Berrios with hooks and jabs to the head. Right pushkick to set up high kick by Berrios lands clean. Richard with a solid right Berrios slips down to the mat. Richards much more aggressive this round. Berrios using hard chops to the leg and push kicks keeping Richards back. Uppercut and corss by Richards. Richards catches Berrios leg and sweeps with hard low kick. Working Clinch with both fighters exchanging knees and short elbows to finish the round.

Rd4 Round starts with both heavy exchange of hand from both Berrios and Richards. Richards is able to take Berrios down to the mat. Berrios gets a standing 8 count from Richards body shot. Richards pushing forward with push kicks. Berrios with a spinning back elbow lands clean dazes Richards. Both in the clinch active with knees and elbows. Berrios throwing over the top right elbows. Richards with a sweep Berrios again with a standing 8 count.

Rd5 Berrios landing  good right crosses. Richards taking Berrios down with a leg kick for his third standing 8 count. Richard landing some hard upper cuts and kicks really utilizing his boxing to work in the kicks. Clinch work Berrios coming out of it with some hard hands some landing clean. Both landing good punches. Richards lands clean Right leg to the body of Berrios. Clinch and Richards landing a left elbow. Richards with a good cross and left leg to the body. Both fighters finishing with strong push kicks and punches.


Unanimous Decision goes to Stephen Richards

Fight 6

Gui Cury vs Ramonte Chatman

Rd1 Gui taking Chatman to the mat. Chatman stands with Gui still working for the submission. Lasts for about 30 sec. Chatman avoids the choke and takes Gui down to the mat hard,  Gui is staying active trying to work an arm bar. Chatman slips out. Gui transitions for a triangle. Chatman throwing some shots to the and short punches few landing clean but solid fighters stand. Exchange few hard shots, Gui shoots in Chatman comes out of the ring onto the judges table. Chatman with a hard right knee and taking Gui to the mat.

Rd2 Both fighters exchanging hard shots in the middle of the ring. Gui with a knee to the body. Taking Chatman to the mat Gui on top. Gui takes Chatmans back looking for the rear nakid choke. Gui sinks the choke Chatman taps due to  Rear Naked choke


Win by Submission via Rear nakid Choke  Gui Cury

Fight 7

Chike Lindsay vs James Martinez

Rd1 Both fighters step to the center of the ring exchange hard punches. Go into Clinch where Chike lands a multiple solid knees to the body. Clinch breaks Chike lands a hard push kick. Another pushkick by Chike. Left elbow by Chike. Martinez trying to work his way in with his hands. Chike keeping a nice stiff jab out setting up a head kick that sends Martinez into the ropes. Martinez getting taking lots of damage from Chikes hands. Chike lands a hard left knee taking James to the mat for an 8 count, ref unsure if its a low blow or not. Chike in clinch lands several solid left knees to the body sending  Martinez flying to the mat, Martinez unable to answer the refs count.


Win TKO  via Knees Chike Lindsay



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*note, all above photos are stills from video. Professional shots coming soon






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